ExLing 2024 Paris


Abstract submission guidelines

Each contributor to the conference may appear as a single author of only two papers and as a co-author of two additional papers. Submitted abstracts of one page, max. 500 words (excluding the title and the name(s) of the author(s)) should address the following criteria:

  • Significance: Does this study address an important problem?
  • Innovation: Does the study employ novel concepts and aims or original methods?
  • Approach: Are the conceptual frameworks, designs, methods, and analyses adequate?
  • Usefulness: How can the research objectives benefit the respective scientific area?
  • Clarity: How clear and well-organized is the presentation?


Abstract layout guidelines

Title of paper
The title of the paper should be as short and as close to the general content of the paper as possible. Subtitles should be avoided. There should be no names of authors in the abstract and up to four authors are recommended. The length of the abstract should be no more than 1 page, including references.

Object of study
You may start your abstract with a short description of the object of study/investigation as well as the theoretical context. It is best to state your questions/hypotheses in simple terms – avoid terminologies and/or scientific jargon that are too technical. In short: What have you done?

Summarise the main aspects of your methodology, such as subjects, materials, technological context, and whatever you consider essential for the readers to follow your work. In short: How have you done it?

Summarise your results in a straightforward way. It is best to present your main results in relation to your questions/hypotheses. Avoid details, including statistics, which might require considerable thinking by the reader/reviewer. In short: What have you found?

From your results, you should draw conclusions that are as explicit as possible.

References in abstract submissions are optional and may be avoided altogether.

Instead, it is better to focus in this short space on (1) what you have done and (2) what you have found, i.e., your own work, rather than the work of others.

Submit your one-page abstract by September 2024:

Submit your abstract


Paper submission guidelines

Once submitted abstracts are accepted, respective ExLing 2024 papers should be submitted by September 2024, observing the ExLing proceedings template guidelines. Regular research papers must be four pages and keynote papers can be extended to eight pages. Submitted papers will be published in the ExLing proceedings series and will be available by October 2024.

ExLing proceedings template

Submit your 4-page paper in both Word and PDF by  December 2024:

Submit your paper


ExLing grants

A limited number of grants will be awarded to ExLing 2024 Athens participants who do not have a post nor a funded research programme or any type of research grant or scholarship.

Apply for a grant by  Octomber 2024:

Apply for an ExLing grant